
Author Archives: adir

x ESPO x

i love this guy so much! i remember seeing his work all over philly and smiling for the rest of the week each time.. Flights of Genius by Stephen Powers from Jun Lee

gypsy tunes – recorded mix

invite spam

Fwd: Fw: Fw: FW: Fw: Fwd: Fw: FW: ‏‏FW: Fw: FW: אזהרה דחופה!!! #mail

arcade fire & spike jonez

Scenes From The Suburbs edit: watch it here

found a camera on the grass

babies with rabies

these are a million years old. actually, they are the oldest pictures of japan to date. taken by random foreigners in the last 200 years or so.

Jaffa gets a visit

from MSK with some FREE REVOK propaganda walls i hope this doesnt disappear soon, or gets a lot of ugly friends.. more here

times they are a changin’

i know i’ve been neglecting this blog. im sorry, but its only because i dont care. also, i’ve been in jail for about a week [had my skype connected so mom and dad wont get mad]. i won just under 300,000€ in some kind of japanese lottery, but since im not 100% japanese, im not […]

su9t. or, hello film.

my last digital camera has ceased to live.