Tag Archives: rap
My boys Peled & Ortega once had a tight rap duo thing going.  That thing ended a while ago and they’ve been working solo since. They had a lot of stuff down but wouldnt release a second album together.
The great Ori [Slaughter] Shochat pushed them a bit more, and now, they have a full new album!!
And this one rocks HARD. so many guests and soooo happy to hear the INCREDIBLE Noa Faran in the intro!
Ever since they started, there were tunes i liked more and tunes i liked less, but im having a tough time less liking anything out of this album.. Â buy/listen here.
if you dont speak hebrew this might be a little tough for you. but than again, it might be even if you do!
BANDCAMP - http://peledandortega.bandcamp.com/album